
While the sea is frozen, you can book us to take you around the archipelago of Raahe on our snowbus.

Rekiretket ja -kuljetukset

While the sea is frozen, you can book us to take you around the archipelago of Raahe on our snowbus. A snowmo-bile drawn sledge takes you to the islands and back. You can take your skis or ice fishing gear with you. Contact for more information and to ask for a special offer and about our guided tours and other transportation services with-in the archipelago!

Snowbus services available weather conditions permitting.

In conclusion
  • Pricing according to the length and contents of the trip
  • Ask for more information and request for an offer!
Get in contact and reserve a trip

(suomi) varaukset/myynti
Jouni Leinonen
puh. +358 50 4346340

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