Work Team Wellness Days

Raahen saariston ainutlaatuiset retkikohteet

Work Team Wellness Days

The unique trekking destinations in the Raahe archipelago are an excellent environment for work team or employee rec-reation. You can book a boat or sleigh transport to Tasku or Iso-Kraaseli islands our work team. It is also possible to com-bine a fishing or ice fishing trip to the experience. On the island we will have you a warmed barbecue cabin ready with a prepared meal according to the agreed package. Ask for more details and book a recreational wellness day for your group. Wellness days organised weather conditions permitting.

In conclusion
  • A round-trip to an island where a warm grilling cottage and dinner, according to agreement, will be waiting for the entourage.
  • Ask for more information and book a work team wellness day for your group. Wellness days organized weather conditions permitting.
  • Get in contact
Get in contact and reserve a trip

(suomi) varaukset/myynti
Jouni Leinonen
puh. +358 50 4346340

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